Saturday, November 24, 2012

Medical Insurance By Midnight

Sometimes people are surprised by losing their medical insurance. They find out it will end the day of, day before, or a few days after their coverage has ended. Sometimes it can take a few days or even weeks to get a new policy in place. There are plans available that will cover you by midnight. Short term health insurance plans are available online and can be in place by midnight of the night you submit your application. These plans are not designed to take the place of your regular coverage because they will end in six months and you will need to reapply to continue the coverage after that point. But the benefits for hospitalization, emergency room, or surgeries will be the same as the coverage people are familiar with.

Short term health insurance plans are full major medical plans that go through the approval process with the departments of insurance just like any other available plans. They are instant issue plans if you purchase them over the internet. Instant issue means that if you answer a few health questions on the application that you do not have any of the medical problems, then the plan will be issued. It is not guaranteed issue because you might be turned down for coverage if you do not qualify after the medical history survey. But it usually takes less than five minutes to have your entire policy packet emailed to you for coverage that starts by midnight.

Short term health insurance plans generally cost much less than other plans because it is basic coverage. Every new illness or injury is covered subject to a deductible and co insurance. There are no co payments for doctor visits or prescription drugs. These plans do not offer benefits for preventive care either. But it does qualify as continuous coverage as you will be issued a certificate of continuous coverage at the end of the policy. This means that any policy that you get after the end of this coverage will not have a waiting period for pre existing conditions. This is one reason that many people purchase short term health insurance plans. They need the coverage but they don't expect to use it. They get the highest deductible so that they will not suffer a waiting period for pre existing conditions on their new policy. If you go without coverage for more than 62 days then you will probably have a waiting period for any new pre existing conditions.

If you need coverage right away, short term health insurance plans are a great alternative.

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What Are The Various Password Regulations For HIPAA?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) helps safeguard all protected information of patients. There are various guidelines and requirements that are stipulated by HIPAA and these need to be fulfilled by all covered entities. The medical records of patients are stored and transmitted electronically and there are various safeguards that need to be in place to ensure compliance of HIPAA.

All the files that contain confidential information of patients will also need to be safeguarded with passwords. Most covered entities keep a log of who is accessing the information and this will help in knowing about any unauthorized access.

Top 5 Steps Of Password Regulations In HIPAA

1. As all the confidential information of patients is stored and transmitted electronically, it is important that it is password protected. This will help in preventing any unauthorized access to medical records of patients.

2. All employees who will have access to the confidential information of patients will need to be trained about the importance of password protecting all documents that are stored electronically. If different employees will be accessing the records, it is advisable to have different passwords so that no one is aware about the other person's password. This will help in preventing unauthorized access.

3. The passwords that are used to protect these documents should be strong. It would be advisable to use a combination of alphabets, numeric and special characters in the password. This will ensure that they cannot be tampered with easily.

4. In the initial stages of password allocation it is generated automatically and after this process is completed, employees will be able to assign passwords on their own. There are usually no specific requirements regarding the length of the password and this can vary as per the preference of the employee.

5. It would also be advisable to change the password of the medical records periodically. Most covered entities have policies in place that stipulate that the password needs to be changed every 90 or 120 days. The passwords can be changed earlier than this too depending on the policy of the covered entities regarding this.

It is important that all covered entities keep the passwords secure. They should be accessible only to people who are authorized to have access to these medical records. You should also take care not to display them openly so that anyone can get access to them.

The password should not be written in any place. This will help in preventing any unauthorized access to protected information of patients. These safeguards will ensure that the medical records of patients are kept safe. If these records are not kept safe they can be misused for commercial purposes.

If the various rules and regulations of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act are not fulfilled with regard to safeguard of confidential information, it can lead to various penalties. The penalties can vary from civil to criminal depending on the extent and nature of the violations. This can include fines or imprisonment or both if the records are not secured with good passwords.

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What Are The HIPAA Checklist Items For Physicians?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) helps in protecting any confidential information of patients that is stored and transmitted electronically. There are various provisions of HIPAA that specify guidelines that need to be followed in this regard.

HIPAA has specified various organizations known as covered entities that will be subject to these rules and regulations. The privacy and security rules of HIPAA will need to be adhered to by all employees of covered entities. The employees will need to be trained to handle the protected information of patients in a correct way to avoid any intentional or unintentional violation.

5 HIPAA Checklist Points For Physicians

The physicians will need to ensure that all medical records of patients that are stored electronically or physically are safeguarded as per the specifications of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The confidential information could relate the patient's past and current medical records. The vital information that is usually provided by the patient to the physician includes name, address, social security number, date of birth and any other information that can be classified as identifiers. This would mean that any individual who accesses the information will be able to identify the patient easily. Due to this it is necessary that all safeguards are put in place to secure this information and keep it safe. If the protected health information is requested by the patient it must be released to them. Physicians are also permitted to use the protected information of patients for treatment purposes. If the confidential information of the patient is to be used for other purposes then physicians will need to take an authorization from the patient to access the information. Authorization from the patient will not be required for disclosing the information for national priority purposes. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act have identified nearly twelve instances when the protected information of patients can be accessed without any authorization. Federal agencies would be able to access the protected information based on court orders. Physicians should have administrative, physical and technical safeguards in place to ensure that the confidential information of patients is not abused or misused. These safeguards will ensure that there is no unauthorized access to medical records.

If any physician is found guilty of any violation they would have to face penalties that can be both civil and criminal. The penalties are usually in the form of fine and imprisonment. The extent of penalties would depend on the nature of the violation that has been committed.

When the information is transmitted electronically, it must be encrypted and password protected. These mechanisms will ensure that only authorized individuals will be able to access the medical records of patients.

If the old records of patients need to be destroyed there should be enough safeguards in place to ensure that it is done properly. It is advisable to use a shredder for destroying all old records. All these simple measures by the physicians will ensure that the protected information of patients is safe.

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What Are The HIPAA Regulations For Nursing Homes And Nurses

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) recognizes nursing homes as covered entities where protected information of patients is stored and transmitted electronically. Adequate steps need to be taken by these organizations to safeguard the confidential medical information of patients. This will ensure that no unauthorized access to this information takes place.

The security and privacy rules of HIPAA need to be followed and this will ensure that the health care information of patients is not accessed by anyone other than the patient and the physician. The privacy rules of HIPAA stipulate that written permission should be provided by the patient for access of their medical records.

Apart from doctors, nurses play a critical role in the treatment process of a patient and this puts them into direct contact with the confidential information of patients. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act recognize nurses too as covered entities and they must take all steps to ensure that the medical records are safeguarded.

There are usually hundreds of records of patients that are transmitted electronically and if there are not enough safeguards, there are chances that this might be misused.

Top 5 HIPAA Regulations For Nurses And Nursing Homes

Nurses usually have access to medical charts of patients, treatment plans, prescriptions, lab reports and any other information that is crucial for the treatment of patients. They will not only be accessing this information but also transmitting and storing them electronically and this would mean that they have to follow all the compliance rules of HIPAA. If a nurse wants access to any specific medical record they should have a valid reason for that and would require permission from the patient. The protected information of the patient should not be disclosed to anyone by the nurses. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act prohibit any such disclosure and there are stringent penalties imposed if there is any violation. HIPAA also prohibit nurses from passing any unauthorized information to insurance companies. If a patient is denied any medical care due to the result of information been passed by the nurses to the insurance companies then the nurses might even lose their job. Even school nurses who are working in universities or other educational institutions will be covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This will mean that they will need to comply with all the provisions of HIPAA.

The protected information of patients is not just transmitted and stored electronically but it is also maintained as physical records. These physical records must be kept in a safe and secure place so that any unauthorized access is prevented.

All nursing homes and nurses who have access to the protected information of patients will need to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. There should be guidelines within the organization that lay down rules and regulations on how this confidential information is used and accessed. There should also be compliance reviews that should be conducted by these organizations so that checks and counter checks can be put into place.

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What Are The Exceptions To The Confidentiality Rules Of HIPAA

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that was passed as a federal law in 1996 and it help in safeguarding the confidential information of patients. There are very stringent regulations of HIPAA that need to be followed and any violations will attract penalties. The penalties can include fines or imprisonment depending on the nature and extent of the violation.

The protected information of patients can only be accessed by health care service providers who are authorized to do so. In most cases even these health care service providers and health insurance companies will need permission from the patient to access their records for specific purposes.

Top 5 Exceptions To Confidentiality Rules Of HIPAA

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act privacy rules will not be applicable under certain circumstances and this would mean that access to the confidential information will be allowed. When the federal law authorizes disclosure of medical records then no permission will be required from the patient. Similarly there are also some state laws that can authorize access to the medical records without authorization. If the protected information is needed for completing a legal process of law then the privacy law of HIPAA will not be applicable. If an individual threatens to commit suicide or harm others then the various laws of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act will not apply. This will help in preventing any kind of harm. The disclosure of confidential information of patients can also be done for public safety reasons. For instance if an individual has a communicable disease then information about it needs to be disclosed so that public safety can be ensured. Researchers, funeral directors, coroners and medical examiners will also be able to access the protected information of patients without any specific authorizations. There is usually a board constituted by the institutions and this board will decide on each disclosure that needs to be made. If the medical bills are unpaid then administrative disclosures can be made to various agencies. There are various federal agencies that can have access to the protected information of patients.

Apart from these exceptions the medical records of patients cannot be accessed for any other purpose. If there is an unauthorized access to the protected information there are various civil and criminal penalties that can be imposed.

All covered entities will need to follow the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The exceptions to the rules and regulations of HIPAA should be done only for specific purposes that are identified by the Act. All health care organizations will need to follow these exceptions to fulfill the federal law that overrides HIPAA.

The exceptions to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act need not follow the security and privacy rules that will help in preventing any kind of access to protected information. These guidelines and requirements will need to be fulfilled by all organizations that are classified as covered entities by HIPAA. It is not necessary that the patient be informed about the access to their protected information.

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Health Insurance - Family Requirement

Today Health Insurance has become family requirement. With the increasing spread of various diseases and hospitalization becoming essential due to ailments or accidents, the requirement of having health insurance has become more eminent.

The life style changes have been a root cause of many common diseases like obesity, diabetes. Though many feel to make amends in their life style few can do it for practical difficulties. The lack of time and energy both makes it impossible for many people to effectively undertake daily exercise to control their health problems.

As a result of wrong diet, lack of adequate sleep, mounting stress and burden of office work in addition to rising transport problems has made life of people more troublesome. It has raised the rate of hospitalization in people of all ages.

The cost of hospitalization has increased manifold in last decade. Increasing cost of medicines, consultancy charges of health experts, diagnosis charges and all related hospitalization expenses are increasing and making it burdensome for common man. It is therefore essential that one should guard against the eventuality of such hospitalization for any one member of the family. Taking appropriate health insurance cover is the remedy or way of managing financial crisis due to hospitalization.

The health insurance or the medical policy called by any name takes care of pre-hospitalization consultancy, medicines, and laboratory tests. It also commonly covers post hospitalization treatment for certain period depending upon the nature of the policy. During hospitalization all types of expenditure like medicines, drugs, operation charges, anesthesia, ambulance charges etc are taken care of by the policy.

The increasing rate of accidents taking place every day further increases the possibility of anyone becoming victim. The new age speedy vehicles, roads full of traffic and lack of attention while driving are main causes of increase in number of accidents. Accidents can be fatal one even causing loss of limbs or making one permanent disable. In that situation health insurance policy would come to rescue of such accident victim. It would try to reduce the financial burden due to accident and also assist in restoring back the loss of pay to certain extent depending upon the coverage of the policy.

The right time to buy health insurance is any time- preferably when the person is not having any kind of disease or ailment like diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, arthritis etc. Because all existing diseases are normally covered under exclusions of any such policy. Further known and declared diseases would have to wait for the waiting period to be over to get the claim settled. As such it is always beneficial to have medical insurance policy purchased when you are completely fit.

It is also advisable to take health insurance for the family. Family floater policies are made available by almost all companies. It thus covers the risk of every member of the family including a small child. We cannot foresee who would require hospitalization and at what time. It is beneficial from tax saving point of view as spending on this count get special exemption under Sec. 80 D of Indian Income Tax Act.

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2012: Employers Will Be Responsible for Controlling the Cost of Healthcare

With the Federal reform efforts creating a tug of war between health insurance providers and legislative requirements, employers interested in lowering the cost of healthcare premiums are going to have to do it themselves. Business owners should look to strategies such as the IRS section 125 premium only plans (POP) for an employer empowering strategy when seeking to control the cost of healthcare premiums.

Any Employer having sponsored healthcare over the last ten years is more than aware of the mounting challenges they face. Rising cost in healthcare premiums, increasing employee expectations and legislative requirements all work to deter employers endeavoring to provide their employees with affordable, accessible benefits. Anyone choosing to take a sincere look at the various rates of increase over the last ten years of premium costs and employee wages can make a fairly accurate guess as to the amount of relief they can expect in the coming decade. While its true that accommodations are most certainly being attempted in national healthcare reform, (tax credits, financial promotions, legislative requirements) many of the benefits arranged for employers are ousted by the increasing stress these legislative reforms put on health insurance providers.

The Kaiser Family Foundation conducted a survey aimed at measuring the various employer/employee related healthcare statistics. It found that, in the last ten years alone, health insurance premiums have nationally increased by 131%. The increase, according to the foundation, is in large part the result of ever weightier legislative mandates being placed on healthcare providers by the current State and Federal reform efforts. The result is an unfortunate trickling effect: More mandates create higher premiums, higher premiums place stress on employer finances, and the amount employees are required to contribute goes up while the number of employees covered by sponsored health care nationally goes down.

Employers seeking to increase the accessibility of their sponsored health care encounter another frustration; while the cost of premiums and the amount employees are required to contribute have dramatically increased, employee wages have by no means risen proportionally. Amidst the recession, employee wages have increased a mere 2% over the last year. The increase is fairly consistent with the rate of inflation but is disproportionate to the overly inflated 9% increase to the price of premiums. Premium only plans, an IRS provided money saving strategy, help to alleviate the rising inaccessibility of sponsored health care by increasing employee take home pay. POP allow employers to deduct employee contributions before taxes are withdrawn. This increases the monthly take-home pay of employees an average $100-$300 and allows a wider range of individuals to subscribe to sponsored health care.

Tools available for directly lowering the cost of health care premiums are all but nonexistent; premium only plans, however, allow employers to creatively alleviate the rising costs by increasing their annual financial gain. When employers subscribe to a POP, their annual FICA taxes are reduced by 7.65% (savings which on average accrue to several thousand dollars per year). The savings accrued through subscription to a premium only plan help to control the cost of healthcare premiums, provide greater accessibility to employees, and provide employers a money saving strategy that will help to carry them through riotous 2012 economy.

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Medigap Insurance - Your Security for Your Future and Better Benefits

What Medicare provides, is a whole lot of coverage, but it doesn't cover everything. So, some people choose to buy a separate policy to provide coverage for the areas where Medicare falls short on. This is known as Medigap insurance. It is a health insurance and you have to buy this from a private insurance company.

A Medicare supplemental insurance plan is also known as "Medigap". It is a private health insurance that is meant to supplement original Medicare. it helps to pay some of the health care costs that original Medicare doesn't cover.

Medigap insurance plans may also cover some extra things that Medicare doesn't give cover to. If you are having an original Medicare and you have a Medicare supplemental plan, Medicare will pay its share of the costs of Medicare-covered services. After that your insurance plan pays its share.

To protect the entire customer every medigap insurance plan has to follow federal as well as state laws. Medicare supplemental plan insurance companies can only sell you a "modernized" or "standardized" medigap plan identified by letters A through N. It does not matter which insurance company sells the plan but each and every modernized or standardized plan must have the basic benefits. The same plan sold by many different insurance company but the only difference is the cost.

To learn more about the medigap insurance you need to have some more knowledge about Medicare. The different parts of Medicare which help you to cover specific services are as follows:

Plan A (Hospital Insurance): Helps cover inpatient care in hospital and skilled nursing facility, hospice, and home health care.

Plan B (Medical Insurance): Helps cover doctors' services, hospital outpatient care and preventive services to help maintain your health and to keep certain illnesses from getting worse.

Plan D (Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage): Helps cover the cost of prescription drugs or may help lower your prescription drug costs.

In every insurance company the medigap insurance don't helps you cover in any long-term care, like care in a nursing home, vision or dental care, hearing aids, eyeglasses, and private duty nursing. Insurance companies selling these policies are must have Plan A available.

Medigap open enrollment period is the best time to buy medigap insurance. This period is only for 6 months and it begins on the first day of the month in which you're both either 65 or older and enrolled in Medigap Plan B. In some cases have additional open enrollment periods, including whose age less than 65. In this particular period any insurance company can't use medical underwriting.

Before buying medigap insurance the following things you need to know:

1) The policy must have the plan A and B.

2) If you have any Medicare advantage plan, you are eligible to apply for medigap insurance. But make sure you have to leave the medical advantage plan before your policy begins.

3) You need to pay a monthly premium to the private insurance company for the policy, instead of plan B premium you pay to the Medicare.

4) These insurance only covers one person.

5) If you need prescription drug coverage, you can able to join plan D offered by private companies approved by Medicare.

You can also switch a new medigap insurance before that you have to give up the old policy.

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Can Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan Premiums Be Standardized?

Every year, approximately 10 million seniors supplement their Medicare Parts A and B with a Medigap plan. The goal is to handle all of the health care expenses left out of traditional Medicare coverage. Many of these beneficiaries don't even realize that they are paying too much for their Medigap plan, though.

One of the biggest problems faced by those who hope to buy a Medicare Supplement Insurance plan is the variability of premiums as set by insurance companies. Although the benefits of Medigap plans are standardized, insurance companies can sell a plan for whatever price they can get. It's let the buyer beware, and only educated buyers find the best value for their money.

According to a report from the independent rating agency Weiss Ratings, millions of seniors are having trouble shifting through a barrage of plans coming at them from various insurance companies. Here's why.

Even for beneficiaries of the same age and living in the same city, one specific plan, such as Medigap Plan C, can be selling for very different premiums with absolutely no difference in the benefits. Prices can vary by as much as 1,300 percent among plans sold across the nation and here's why.

State regulators allow insurers to price Medigap plans based on the insurance company's expenses and medical costs. If you get Medigap Plan F, for example, you can pay as low as $3,654 or as high as $5,419. There's no difference in coverage, but someone is getting it for almost $2,000 less a year than someone else is.

You Can Get Medigap Plans Without Becoming A Mark

One of the best ways to protect yourself and your money, is to compare prices from several leading insurers before you apply. Talking to an agent who works for every insurance company selling Medicare Supplement plans where you live could take a while, but there is a shortcut. Online websites offer free use of their quote systems. But, using the Internet is not your only option. These websites typically offer free personal assistance as well.

Another thing you want to clear about exactly what each specific type of Medigap Insurance covers. Plan A has the fewest benefits and Plan F has the most comprehensive coverage. The other plans offer a range of choices and combine benefits in various ways. Some plans reimburse for 50, 75 or 100 percent of Medicare's biggest deductible. That's the Part A deductible on hospitalization. It's up to $1,132 and Congress declares how much it will be each year.

While that's a pretty hefty deductible, it's not even an annual cost. The Part A deductible resets after you've been released from a hospital or skilled nursing facility for 60 days. If you need inpatient care again in the same year, Medicare will require you to spend enough to meet the Part A deductible again.

It's important to remember that open enrollment events mean no health questions will be asked. That's another key to keeping your premium costs low. If you shop outside of open enrollment and the insurer is concerned about your health issues, you may be asked to pay higher premiums than healthier people. When you're first eligible for Medicare, you'll have open enrollment, and some insurers offer special open enrollment periods at other times, too.

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What You Need To Know About Employers Who Violate HIPAA Laws

There can be civil and criminal proceedings initiated against employers who violate the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA stipulates certain employers are "covered entities" and these include health care service providers and health insurance companies. The U.S Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights is authorized under HIPAA to impose penalties on individuals and health care providers depending on the nature and extent of the violation.

If the employer is a covered entity as specified by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act they would need to ensure that all employees who would be handling confidential information of patients are adequately trained in the various provisions of HIPAA. This will ensure that there are no unintentional violations of the Act.

What Are The Top 6 Things That You Need To Know About Employers Violation Of HIPAA?

The violation by the employer can be unintentional or intentional and depending on its nature fines and imprisonment can be imposed. If the offence is unintentional the penalty is $100 per violation and there will be civil proceedings initiated against the employer. In most cases the employer is given a time period of 30 days to correct the violation filing which the fines will be imposed. Individuals can ask for an extension of time period to correct the violation and if it continues even after the extended time period expires there can be fines and penalties imposed on the employer. The employers must ensure that all employees who handle confidential patient information are well trained in the various rules and regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. If an employee has been found to be violating any of the guidelines of HIPAA they can be dismissed by the employer as per the policies of the health care service providers. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that all confidential information of the patient is secured and protected. Access to this protected information should be restricted. There should be proper authorization to access the confidential information. If any of these responsibilities are not adequately fulfilled by the employer it can result in violations and there can be fines and penalties imposed on them. Criminal proceedings can be initiated against employers who willingly violate the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The penalties can be fines and imprisonment. The amount of fine and term of imprisonment can vary depending on the nature of the violation that has been committed by the employer. In case of criminal proceedings the fines can be $50,000 and above for each violation and there is also a maximum limit that is fixed of there are subsequent violations. The imprisonment period can also vary from one year to ten years depending on the nature of the violation.

In most cases written permission would need to be taken from the patient to access protected information. Written permission can be exempted in some cases as stipulated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Employers would need to be aware of the various changes that place in HIPAA and keep their employees updated about it to ensure compliance.

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Affordable Health Insurance - How To Qualify for Lower Premiums

The search for affordable health insurance should be focused on finding an insurance provider that helps us put the emphasis on becoming as healthy as possible, while reducing our risk of accidents. Let's face it, if we reduce the insurer's calculations of what we are likely to cost them, they can afford to charge us a lower premium.

If we are looking for affordable health insurance for our employees, some agencies are now offering programs to help employees to get fit, lose weight, quit smoking, etc. -- all contributing to lower premiums for your business.

Many individuals and businesses are forced into trade-offs of less coverage and higher deductibles because they are unwilling to work on the one controllable way to get a great policy for an affordable price: Reduce your health and accident risks!

Unless you love dangerous hobbies, like skydiving, most insurers would be only too happy to cut your premium to the bone if you assure them you are doing all you can to reduce your risk of major illnesses.

Smart dietary habits, keeping your weight where it should be, not smoking, getting regular exercise, and generally pursuing a healthy lifestyle are all habits that a wise insurance provider should be able to reward by giving you affordable health insurance coverage.

Insurance Is A Business Like Any Other

Insurance providers want to earn a reasonable profit on their services -- No surprise there! To do this, they need to feel confident that what they will need to pay out in claims will be less than what they will be taking in as premiums. If you, your family, or your business is statistically likely to make more claims than average, then they must ask you to pay higher premiums to cover predicted future payouts.

If, on the other hand, you/your family/your business is working hard to maintain good health and physical safety, then it is possible to negotiate a much more affordable policy premium than a less-healthy person or business must pay.

One Final Area of Savings

After you have done all you can to achieve great health and reduced any risks for injuries, accidents and illnesses may still happen. An insurance agent, who is up to speed on the most effective treatment options with an eye toward minimizing medical expenses, can be a big help in assisting you to manage your care and thus, keep insurance premiums as low as possible.

We can't know everything about managing both our health and insurance risk profile, as well as knowing the most cost-effective treatment options in case of the unexpected hospital stay. Choosing an experienced insurance and claim management provider is critical for those who want affordable health insurance.

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Tips For Changing Health Insurance Providers

The cost of health insurance has nearly doubled over the last ten years. If you get insurance through your employer you may not be aware of the increases in costs. But if you pay for your medical insurance out of your household budget, you feel the pinch each month. It is a good idea to consider shopping around to find the best deal on insurance. There are many different companies out there and the market is very competitive. While you may be upset with your current plan and ready for anything new, do not cancel your current insurance until you have another plan that is satisfactory to you in place. The insurance you have may be your best deal whether you think it is good or not. If you cancel it you might not be able to get it back if you eventually realize that. So the main thing to emphasize is to not cancel your current insurance until you have a new plan comfortably in place.

It is easy to get quotes and apply for different insurance plans online. You can get a quote with just your age, zip code and gender within minutes online. But the rates you get are generic rates which could change after the insurance company looks into your medical history. You can change deductibles and co payments and get a much better deal than your current plan, but when they finalize the plan, you may have a plan that costs much more than you were paying. Or even worse, your health condition may keep you from getting a new insurance plan altogether. If you only need basic insurance for a few months because you are waiting for benefits to start with a job or Medicare, short term health insurance will provide instant information about the exact costs and exactly what health conditions are excluded. But these are special plans with limited benefits. If you are getting a medical plan with more benefits and unlimited time of coverage, you never know what the final rate will be.

After searching online for the best plans with the best companies, you might want to call a local insurance agent as well. They can advise you about the differences in benefits. A plan that might have better benefits might not be worth the extra cost. Conversely an inexpensive plan might not have the benefits you used to and expect. Once the underwriting is completed you can make a decision about the best plan for you. At this point the insurance plan is generally going to be this rate for at least a year. Make sure you cancel your prior plan when you accept the new plan. Changing plans can be a great idea. Just make sure you take the appropriate steps to ensure that you put yourself in a better situation rather than a more difficult one.

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Medicare Supplement Insurance: Your Must Know Guide to Understanding Medicare Supplements

Medicare supplement plans come in a variety of flavors, and are sold by private insurance companies. Here are just some of your options.

Current plans are identified by letters, and include plans A, B, C, D, F, Select F, G, K, L, M, and N. An important note is that supplement plans work together WITH original medicare. Basically, these plans help cover some or all of the costs that Medicare does not cover, such as deductibles, Coinsurance, and co pays. Your deductible is the amount of medical cost you are responsible for before the insurance kicks in. For instance, for 2012, in the event of a hospitalization, there is a Part A deductible of $1,132 which Medicare does NOT pay for. There are also certain co pays you may be responsible for in the event of an extended hospital stay. There is also a Part B deductible of $162 which you are responsible for before Medicare will pay anything towards your doctor or outpatient costs. Additionally, your share of Part B cost is 20% for any covered procedure. As you can see, your shared cost under Medicare alone can add up considerably.

A supplement plan can offer you some relief from these costs. Using Blue Cross Blue Shield's plans as examples, the following applies:

1) Plans B, C, D, F, G, and N will cover that Part A deductible entirely. 2) Plans K, L, and M will cover a portion of the Part A deductible. 3) Plans C and F will cover the Part B deductible entirely. 4) Plans A, B, C, D, F, G and M will cover the Part B coinsurance entirely. 5) Plans K, L and N may have some limitations on Part B coinsurance. Are you confused yet?

Just remember that only a licensed insurance agent can clearly explain your choices.

Questions you should ask your agent:

1) Do I really need a supplement plan? 2) How much will it cost me? 3) Is there a network of doctors or hospitals I am restricted to? 4) If I move to another state, can I keep my supplement plan? 5) Are there any forms to fill out at time of service? 6) What if my doctor does not accept Medicare, am I still covered? 7) Am I covered out of the country? 8) When can I join a plan? 9) Can I change to a different plan at any time? 10) Does my supplement plan cover prescription medications?

When looking for answers to these questions, make sure that the advise comes from a medicare approved aent. Also look for a Company that has a well established record with Medicare.

HIPAA Safety Rule - 3 Safeguards to Be Followed   Why You Need Medical Insurance   Australians Should Compare Health Insurance Policies for Pre-Existing Condition Coverage   

Tips On Renewing Your Health Insurance Policy

Health insurance can have a calming effect on your general levels of anxiety. That's because comprehensive medical cover will help you gain quick access to a consultant when you fall ill, ensuring that you don't have to wait in often lengthy NHS queues.

In today's recession-hit economy, most people understand the value of shopping around for a health insurance quote to get the best deal for their money. However, many people are unaware that it's important to keep looking for new quotes when their existing policy is up for renewal, to ensure that you continue to pay a competitive premium. Here are a few tips on what to do when your health insurance policy is reaching its renewal stage.

Do Your Research And Compare Health Insurance Online

First, it's important to do some background research on the most competitive health insurance quotes that are available. Turning to an internet comparison site or an insurance broker gives you a wide look at the marketplace, enabling you to compare and contrast policy benefits and premium costs. Depending on your age and your general levels of health, you may discover that you could make significant savings by switching to another insurer.

When comparing policies, it's also important to find out what deals your current insurer is offering their new customers. Once you're armed with all this information, call up your insurance company and discuss your renewal options with them. If they offer you a rate that's cheaper than what you're paying now but more expensive than their competitors, don't be afraid to tell them what other quotes you've been offered or mention that a better deal is available for new customers. The chances are they'll refine your renewal quote, since they won't want to lose you as a customer.

Start Looking For Renewal Options Early

It's also important to time your search for a renewal quote well. For instance, if your policy term is over in March, don't start looking for a new quote at the beginning of March or even the end of February. Instead, start to compare health insurance in January and negotiate a new premium with your insurer ahead of time to ensure you get the best deal. As people attempt to reorganise their lives and save money in the New Year, January is a popular time for people to look into renewing their health insurance policy so shopping around in January could provide fruitful results.

When you're looking for a new medical insurance quote, remember that you need to be as honest as possible about your health. That means making as accurate a guess as you can about basic questions, like whether you smoke and how many units of alcohol you drink in a week. You also need to ensure that you divulge any pre-existing conditions and provide your correct age, as this could hamper any claims you make on your policy in the future. But also a point worth taking note of for current policy holders is that everyone can switch policies without losing cover for pre-existing conditions.

HIPAA Safety Rule - 3 Safeguards to Be Followed   Why You Need Medical Insurance   Australians Should Compare Health Insurance Policies for Pre-Existing Condition Coverage   

Benefits Of Health Insurance Quotes Online

There are many insurance companies in the market that offer several insurance policies to individuals. Health issues can occur any time so you need to be prepared all the time. For any major disease treatment the insurance company bears all the treatment expenses for the relief of the family members. A health insurance program can prove to be a useful life saving investment. While investing in any insurance plan one has to be quite careful especially when it comes to anyone's life. In this article, we are going to discuss particularly about benefits of health insurance quotes online. You must pay proper attention towards this article.

Health coverage quotes are very important for everyone. Shopping for online health insurance quotes can prove beneficial for you and you will get an advantage of all policies at cheap rates. Online health plans may be available in different states but a national health coverage plan is very useful if any health problem occurs at the time of travelling outside the state, quick treatment can be easily available. Many health insurance companies have different health coverage plans and you need to select a suitable plan depending upon your requirements.

To get health policy quotes online some specific details are to be filled by the user like address, contact no. family member detail DOB etc. Top insurance companies have many quotes online for the convenience on the internet. Before investing on any insurance plan one shall check the details of the plans carefully. After this step one should apply for the best policy suitable for him/her. Getting health quotes online has an advantage of having no need of brokers. Getting insurance quotes online offers you with best insurance plan providers at the cheapest rates.

There are many online websites that offer you a facility of the best policy quotes for free; you can select from a wide range of individual and group health insurance policies. Group medical insurance is quite cheaper than the individual health insurance plans but it covers finance for limited medical services. On other hand individual medical insurance plans are costlier than group plans and the insurance policy will cover up best according to your needs. If you consider yourself as a perfectly fit person then there is less need to stick to the individual medical insurance plan but if you are currently having any major health issue then individual insurance policy will prove beneficial for you.

HIPAA Safety Rule - 3 Safeguards to Be Followed   Why You Need Medical Insurance   Australians Should Compare Health Insurance Policies for Pre-Existing Condition Coverage   

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